Saturday, August 1, 2009

A Big Mistake

Sometimes you realise you have made a big mistake, but it is far to late to do anything about it. Lachlan unpacked his lego this week - lego that has been stored out in the garage for a couple of years now! Why is that a mistake- it means he has enough room in his room to store it- why is that a mistake you may ask- well he is 18, he is tidying up his room and that means only one thing - he likes his new room and is feeling very comfortable there - and for me that means trouble. It means he may not be planning to leave any time soon- I can just see him staying there for the next 10 years and never leaving home!
Oh well - I will just have to put on my thinking cap and find some more subtle ways of making sure he does not get to intrenched down there. I will refuse to put in an intercom system so he doesn't need to come out to talk to us, I will not answer any emails he sends from his room, I will not put in the food delivery chute he keeps asking to have installed. I will not build on an ensuite or kitchenette - perhaps I will reconsider that one if he allows his grandma to move in and share his room! Perhaps the fact that I snuck in and took a photo of his room will make him mad enought to leave home in 10 years!

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