Saturday, March 26, 2011

Overnight Trip to South Durras

We had an overnight trip to South Durras with work on the weekend. Went down Friday at 2:00pm and left about 2pm on Saturday. We were only there for 24 hours but it seemed a lot longer and had a lovely time. Upon arriving our boss Bjarne took us for a walk- should know by now that nothing is ever simple with BJ! The walk involved scrambling up and down all sort of rocks and walking out on the cliffs but it was lovely. My camera batteries died after only a couple of shots so could not do the walk justice. There were some beautiful rock formations and patterns that I would have loved to take photos of! There were kangaroos all over the place, saw dolphins in the water, a great spot. We ate lots, had a team meeting, played beach cricket and had a great time!

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