Saturday, June 4, 2022

Jack's New Pram and Chiko Rolls

 Jack is no longer able to walk on his morning walk, this has been going on for a number of years, but try leaving the house without him and he howls and whinges and carries on. So a few years back we got a pram from the Green Shed and we pushed him around in the pram, he loved it and would bark at other dogs, he wasn't at all embarrassed about being in a pram!  Well last week the wheels fell of this plan literally! Now this pram was purchased for $15, quite the bargain and I think it was a better pram than my kids ever had. Well we managed to find a better bargain and a better pram! I put the call out on the local Buy Nothing Group and we picked up the new pram on Friday and it didn't cost a cent- Bill was delighted.

Here is Jack ready to go in his new pram. Now that winter is upon us, he has a wheat bag under his blanket to keep him warm- otherwise he shivers.

Here is the local hobo ready to take him out for his walk. Bill has his cornflakes on board to feed the swans, he collects cans along the way and has a stick to bash down any thistles he sees along the way. His cheap  hiking boots have given up the ghost so he is now wearing his dad's old shoes. He Jack and Luna set off 6 days a week for their morning walk!

I recently discovered some Chiko Rolls for sale at a new reject shop called Top 10. This was a blast from my teenage years and Amy had no idea what Chiko Roll were. It turns out that a friend of ours has a husband who just loves Chiko Rolls, so we invited ourselves for dinner so we could cook them in their Air Fryer- I just can't bring myself to deep fry anything . So Amy got to experience a Chiko Roll for the first time and I suspect it will probably be another 40 years before I have another one! A fun trip down memory lane.

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