Saturday, May 14, 2022

And Then Along Came COVID- Not Fun!

 Amy and I drove back from Melbourne on Tuesday, 8 hours in the car together, Thursday morning I woke up feeling exhausted and a bit congested. Did a RAT which tested positive COVID. Bill and Amy both did a test and were both negative. So I was isolated to one end of the house. Spent the first couple of hours cancelling the week of appointments I had the following week with the dentist, physio, gynaecologist, skin doctor and plasma donation- it was a busy week! I thought I was in for a couple of days of not feeling the best, instead it turned into 10 days of feeling exhausted and fatigued and doing virtually nothing. Even now I am only just feeling that I am on the improve and still struggling with that feeling of fatigue.

I am grateful for all the lovely people in my life that dropped off various goodies and items that made my day, made me feel loved and not so alone. 

Then to add to the drama of the week, Amy was in the kitchen getting some lunch when Budgie the macaw flew onto her head bent down and bit her really badly on the ear. I heard screaming and came out to find blood just dripping from Amy's ear. Amy was badly shaken, we stopped the bleeding and cleared her ear up. Trying to bandage and ear is not an easy thing! Amy wasn't up to going to get it looked at that day, so went to the walk in clinic the next day. That was a 4 hour process, waiting, getting checked, nurses contacting the Plastics Registrar Clinic who recommended that she come in and have it looked at the next day. When she went in the next day at the time given she was told that she needed to come back later the afternoon. Amy is always anxious about going to the hospital and having to go alone because I was in isolation meant she just couldn't face going back again so ended up going to the local GP who looked at it. The main concern was about scarring, Amy decided she would rather have a scar than go through the ordeal of another long wait at a hospital. Another concern was bacteria and infection, so swabs have been taken and Amy is on antibiotics, the ear looks as though it is healing okay so that is good.

When the McAllisters found out about our drama, Sarah turned up with a first aid kit for Amy and a helmet for me to make sure I didn't become a victim of a similar encounter!

We had a real laugh at all the messages from Sarah,  including having to find a missing ear for Mrs Potato Head, some chocolate with crunch, and a card for Big Ears- we were in tears!

On the day I helped Amy with her ear I did a RAT test which came back negative so at least I had passed the infectious stage. The day after I came out of isolation, Amy and I had to go and pick up Lachlan who had fainted while having a fasting blood test- so it was a week of drama. Hopefully things will calm down now!

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