Saturday, February 11, 2017

Catch Up- Have Been Slack

Have been very slack with my blog writing these days trying to do a bit of a catch up and get back on track!

Amy brought herself a Kitchen Aid- her latest obsession is cooking! I think Amy has a bit of an obsessive personality, but at least this cooking obsessions sees her cooking a few meals during week which is good! We had tried a cheap Aldi mixmaster but ended up taking it back- just was not up to the job, Amy did her research then figured if she brought her self a Kitchen Aid it would last her a long time- possibly for when she moves out of home!!!! She made some lavender and white chocolate chip sugar cookies and they were very nice!
 Kim and Filomena called into Canberra about a month back and came to visit us. They caught up with our menagerie ,  meet all the birds and the dogs. Lyra took quite a liking to Filomena. We had a lovely time catching up with them.

 Here are Bindi's geraniums they left behind when they headed to Dublin. When we inherited them they were brown and frost bitten but with not much attention from me, just a bit of trimming and the occasional water and weeding they have come back to life- lets see if I can continue that for the next 2 1/2 years!
 My sunflowers growing in the back yard- one head fell off the other day, not quite ripe, the birds had a great time tearing it up when I brought it inside!

 Just in case you have missed seeing Ziggy here is a picture of him- this photo mysteriously appeared as the screen saver on my phone- I didn't put it there, Amy tells me Ziggy is just a clever bird.

This is Bach, one of Bill's Alexandrine Parrots.Sadly Bach died this week and we are not quite sure why. It was before the real hot weather but not sure if it was that,the night before he died he had been cheeping away and active as normal. The Alexandrines were aviary birds and not hand raise and not very tame, Beau was the tamer of the two and would hope onto your hand when it was time to put him outside in the Aviary as he loved going outside and he would take a bite of an apple from Bill's hands and he would always cheep when we came home, or went outside or when Amy got up in the morning. They were much happier when we moved them out into the aviary, much more interactive and alert-so it is sad, and we feel sad for Lilly who is now on her own.

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