Monday, May 23, 2011

First Time in 8 Years!

I had to do something I had not done in about 8 years- buy eggs from the shops! It has been a very cold May, with a number of minus overnight temperatures and the chooks have stopped laying eggs probably because they are moulting. In previous years I have brought a new lot of chooks around spring and when they are young they tend to lay through the winter months, but these chooks are older and have stopped laying. I brought some free range eggs from Woolworths and took them out to the chooks to explain to them what I had needed to do and that I was not impressed! In the process of doing so I did find the spot they had decided to lay their eggs and found one dozen stashed away! I am probably only getting one egg a day from 6 chooks but I have ordered some new ones so maybe I may not have to buy any more eggs just yet! One of the chooks is looking very weird, it lost a lot of feathers, it did this last year and we thought it was being picked on, but we never saw any evidence and it did grow its feathers back eventually!

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