Saturday, September 11, 2021

Animal Update

 Have neglected my blog in the last few months so time for some updates! 

Jack and Luna are doing well, Jack still hobbles around but we have changed  his  painkiller medication and he seems to be moving a little better, eating better and is always barking at us to come and fetch him if he feels like he is missing out and wants to join us.

Lyra and Beau enjoy hanging out with Amy.

The swans on our little pond that Bill and I walk past on our morning dog walk have  produced 5 cygnets. The female swan had repartnered after the male swan was killed earlier in the year by some swans that came in and tried to take over, it was pretty harrowing watching this happen and not really being able to intervene with nature. We hadn't seen much of the new male swan, we could see the female swan sitting on her nest but were never quite sure if the eggs were fertile or not, so were pleasantly suprised to discover 5 cygnets appear one morning. We check on them each morning as we walk by and hope there are still 5 there and so far, so good and father swan is being very good at protecting them.

We discovered we had a kitten living in our garage a few weeks ago, it took about a fortnight of feeling and coaxing it out before Amy was able to catch it. We took it to the vet to check if it was microchipped, it wasn't but they were happy to keep it there as they work with a number of cat rescue places. It was a bit timid and skittish and seemed a lovely little kitten. Amy and I would have loved to have kept it but with Bill's asthma, dogs and birds it wouldn't be a good combination!

The macaws are enjoying the alfresco area and love hanging out there, they have moved into the GF and are sleeping out there at night. The spend the day out there with Bill who is using the GF as his home office as he is working from home due to the COVID lockdown. It is so much more peaceful in the main house and the eclectus don't miss the macaws at all. They do come in for visits with Bill during the day.

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