Saturday, January 9, 2016

Ziggy the Macaw and our Sometimes Well Behaved Dogs

 When you open the fridge door Ziggy loves to fly over and land on the top of the fridge, he stays there if you slowly close the door, then he looks around to see what mischief he can get into.

The other day I go up into my room and Amy has Ziggy all tucked into my bed and is reading him a story! Tough life for a bird.

Every now and then Luna tries out the small dog basket- just a tad too small!

Very seldom of their own accord do you see all three dogs in their basket- mind you Jack is in the big basket but Luna did choose first.

Then Amy decided to put Ziggy in the basket with Jack. Ziggy was happy but Jack wasn't too keen!

 Then Lyra and Beau had to be part of the action but Jack had left- he had had enough.

Ziggy was having great fun eating the snow peas I had picked from the garden.

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