Monday, August 20, 2018

Driving in the Snow

I was down in Merimbula on Sunday visiting the branch of our church down there. Amy had come with me, we had a little mini road trip, heading down to Batemans Bay after work on Friday, then on the Saturday taking a leisurely drive down the South Coast to Merimbula where we stayed the night. On Sunday morning I went to church then Amy and I headed home to Canberra. We set off and as we neared Brown Mountain we could spot the fires that were burning out past Bemboka to our right and then to our left we could see this massive white cloud over the mountain which we figured was snow. After we reached the top of Brown Mountain it started snowing and snowed for about 50 minutes as we drove to Nimmitabel and Cooma.

It was real snow and as you can see was settling on the ground.  Amy was most excited and we had to stop a couple of times and take some photos.

We took it very carefully, there was a bit of traffic on the road so the snow wasn't settling on the road and we felt quite safe. We stopped at the little roadside park at Nimmitabel so Amy could get out and play in the snow- like lots of other kids were doing along the way. We saw a snow plough heading towards Brown Mountain as we drove through Nimmitabel- it was a magic experience and Amy had a big grin on her face as you can see!

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