Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Zonta 2024

 In July I was involved again with helping out the Zonta Ladies for their Annual Birth Kit Packing Day. They have been using our church hall for at least 15 years now and I have been helping open up and set up for them for the last 7 years. It is such a fantastic service project to be involved with. This is a bit about what they do.

Who we are

The Birthing Kit Foundation (Australia) is a humanitarian organisation that provides birthing kits and education in clean birthing practices to women birthing at home in remote regions of the developing world.

What we do

We work in partnership with the Australian Community and a number of Global Organisations to pack and supply Clean Birth Kits to pregnant women living in rural communities and low-resource settings around the world. To date, 2.8 million Clean Birth Kits have been distributed to women in need. Kits are given to mothers through community outreach programs, supplied to health facilities for use by doctors, midwives and nurses or distributed to traditional birthing attendants. They are designed to support hygienic practices and environments during childbirth in under-resourced settings.

Our Achievements

We have supplied over 2.8 million clean birth kits to women in remote regions of over 30 countries, trained over 10,000 traditional birth attendants and contributed to the prevention of FGM in communities that were killing their women in childbirth. The impact of our work can not be underestimated, with many unexpected benefits for the women and communities we support. 

This year they made a presentation to me to thank me for the help that I had given them over the years. It was such and unexpected and lovely surprise. It has been such a privilege to be involved with them.

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