Monday, October 7, 2024

Mum's Memorial Service

 Mum had prepaid for her funeral, she was prepared! She didn't want to have her coffin at the funeral, so she had issued instructions. The funeral home was to organise a short graveside funeral service at the Berwick Cemetery, where mum had purchased her plot, this was to be for immediate family only and then there was to be a Memorial Service later, organised at the chapel, by the family. So that is what we did.

So mum's graveside service was held at Berwick Cemetery, it was a beautiful, sunny day. The cemetery was just up the road from our old house in Lyall Rd ( the house is no longer there). There are lovely views across Berwick, with lovely gum trees and there were some native birds to serenade us. 

Berwick Cemetery was at the back of the Berwick Tennis Courts where mum and others of the family had played tennis for years. You could hear the sound of the tennis balls being hit. I remember back when I was a teenager, if you hit the ball over the fence you had to scramble through the graves to find the ball. Mum was to be buried in the new lawn cemetery area which was just lovely.

Simon's ashes were also being put in mum's grave as well, so that made it an emotional time for Bindi, Mia and Charlie

The family began to gather

Some of the grandson's acted as pall bearers, which was a nice touch.

After a short service the coffin and ashes were lowered and we had a chance to file pass and throw in a rose.

Some of us then headed back to mum's place at Fiddlers Green and the grandchildren had the chance to look through mum's stuff and choose some keepsakes to remember her by.

It was a nice opportunity for the grandkids to catch up. All the females selected one of mum's shell jewellery pieces to keep and wear at the funeral in her honour.

Bindi insisted on taking a photo of me with this photo from my mission days- rather a long time ago.

Kelly and Mia, looking at the quilt Amy made for mum's 70th birthday.

Mia, Bindi, Charlie and I then headed down to the Narre Warren Chapel where we were having the Memorial Service for mum. We took down the food I had brought from Costco for the refreshments. Gary had dropped off the Costco Sandwiches. Some of the women from mum' ward were going to set up the refreshments. They were happy to help and do something for mum.

Setting up the display for the Memorial Service

The ladies from church did a wonderful job taking care of the food, it was great not to have to worry about that side of things.

There were a few grandchildren photos taken. Lachlan and Amy had already left, they needed to head to the airport with Bill, they also called in to see Hilary and Stuart on the way which was nice. Hilary had come to the funeral so was lovely to catch up with her.

Even managed to get a family photo earlier in the day a rare occurrence.

It was a long day, but it was a lovely celebration of mum's life. I am sure she would have been pleased with how it all went. The weather was perfect, there were lots of familiar faces that I haven't seen for many years in some cases. Was nice to finally get home and process all that had happened that day.

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