Saturday, December 23, 2017

Day 1 The Old Coach Road

A storm came through overnight and dumped 100mm of rain on the mountains, so the order of walks was changed around. Here we are about to embark on our first walk- The Old Coach Road on the protected side of the mountain. We were lucky with the weather, it was overcast and we had a bit of drizzle but nothing really to prevent us from enjoying our walk. It was a 15km walk that took us along the old coach road that was used before the railway line went through. We walked through forests and along one of the old railway bridges.

 The bus picked us up at the other end and ws stopped off at the park with the big carrot and other big vegetables for some afternoon tea before heading back to the Chateau.

The others in our group had been doing the Bucket List Walk- which meant they already had been on two other walks over the last 8 days, so they were happy to return to the Chalet. Bill and I with our fresh legs decided to do the Scoria Rapids walk which was about 6km, and further up the mountain from where we were staying. Our guide Andrea dropped us off and we headed down the trail, she drove to the other end and walked up to meet us. It was a great walk, with great views, this time in that mountain zone where there is not much tall growing vegetation. As we descended the trees and shrubs got taller.

It was a great first day. We headed back to the Chateau and later that night headed out to National Park ( the name of the town) about 7km away for dinner with the group. They had this awesome looking kiwi made out of metal outside the pub.

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