There are lots of kitchen gadgets I would love to have but don't have the room to store them, but while I was in New Zealand one of the places we stayed in had these Eggo Machines to cook your boiled eggs for breakfast and when I heard it went "cheep cheep" when the eggs were done I had to get one!
We got back to Wellington and went to Briscoe's- that was the place evidently to get one. They had them, and they were on sale, and in New Zealand dollars, so it was meant to be. We have been having boiled eggs a couple of times a week, and with our own chooks the eggs sure taste great. You put the water in the bottom of the little egg cooker, prick a hole in the top of the egg, put the lid on, plug it in and 4 or 5 minutes later you have a boiled egg! Bill remembers having one of these when he was a kid, so even more reason to make sure we got one. I am rather excited about my egg cooker- even if no one else is!
We have one too! Love it.