I was wondering what I could blog on this week - nothing too exciting has happened, the highlight of my Saturday was sweeping the back path of all the chook poo so decided I could blog on our chooks!
We have had chooks for about 8 years now and the only time I buy store eggs is at Easter each year when I hard boil and decorate eggs for our Easter egg rolling competition, as I cannot face the prospect of wasting those lovely free range eggs our chooks lay for us.
In the early years of chook ownership our chooks always had names, there was Chicken Nugget, Lindt, Cadbury, Jabba, Luke Skywalker, Peanut Butter, a wide selection of names, nowadays they are nameless but still much appreciated! Amy used to earn money selling the excess eggs, but we took that right off her when she got slacker and slacker at doing her jobs. She still helps out occasionally and helps with cleaning out the chook house and clipping their wings, but it is mainly Bill and I these days. They are not much work and it is a comforting sound to hear them clucking away.
Over the years we have had roosters and as a result baby chickens- it was wonderful to see the process of chooks sitting on eggs and baby chickens hatching - all very exciting. We were so worried the first time about looking after these baby chickens and how they would survive - fortunatley their mothers knew exactly what they were doing and we did not have to worry!
One of our chooks has looked very funny for a few weeks, at first we thought it had been pecked by the other chooks but we would never see it happening, we think it has just maulted in a very funny way this year, it is slowly growing back it's feathers but it did look quite weird for a while.
We love the fresh eggs and could never go back to cage eggs after seeing the difference in eggs. We love our chooks!
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