Monday, April 12, 2010

Goodbye to Sarkule

April 12 will be a sad day for the Frost Family - we had to say goodbye to our Dalmatian - Sarkule, who we had put to sleep today. He was 16 years old and had been a part of our lives for over 15 years. Amy was under 2 and Lachlan nearly 4 when we got him, so they have grown up with him! As soon as we brought our house and put in a gate, Bill was very quick to get a dog and that was Sarkule. He was 9 months old when we got him, his name was Jack, but Lachlan decided to call him Sarkule, a name he made up! Lachlan was very cross with us once he learnt to read and spell as he insisted it should have been Sarkle! I still remember the day Bill brought Sarkule home, Amy could see him through the glass doors and was scrambling up my lap in fear, however within 24 hours she was in the dog basket with him. He was such a tolerant dog and put up with lots from the kids, sat on, drawn on, dressed up, makeup applied, nail polish as well.

He was a very clever dog, though he drove us mad sometimes. We always said he had ADHD. He always seemed to sense when something was going on, he could never relax when there was food or something on the bench, or when we were packing up to go away, he did not want to miss out. He managed to get hold of a fundraising box of chocolates once and managed to eat a number of them and survive, he climbed the ladder up the cubby house once to join us as we were all up there. He was suspended from dog obedience for picking up a yappy little dog that was annoying him, he won a ribbon for the dog with the waggiest tail. We couldn't put presents under the Christmas tree containing food as he would steal them and open them. He could hear the red monster truck coming home from holidays metres down the street and be at the gate to meet us! He never liked other dogs and introducing a new dog into the family was always quite an ordeal but once he had accepted them that was it!

He has brought a lot of happiness and wonderful memories into our lives and we will never forget him and cherish the 15 years he was with us. Our mate Sarkule! Our liver spotted Dalmatian.

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